Dr. Matthew Hein-Dentist
Dr. Hein started at Buffalo Dental Clinic in 2010.
Matt is a one of a kind type of guy. He is in an office with eight women (one being his wife) and he is loved by each and every one of them. Not every man can keep eight women happy but he does it all while making his patients smile and helping them become as healthy as possible. Matt loves talking about hunting while his patient's mouths are open so he can't be interrupted. The assistants almost have broken him of his painful habit of singing along to the radio but he is still allowed to wear any pair of crazy socks he wants. He consumes more sugar than the average person but he also brushes his teeth longer and more often than most, so he calls that a win. He knew he wanted to be a dentist ever since he was in middle school and I think that we can all agree that we are so glad that he followed his dream!

Kristen Hein- Office Manager
Kristen started at Buffalo Dental Clinic in 2010.
Kristen has an ease of writing other's biographies but not of her own. She loves her job and the flexibility it brings to her life. Giving her the chance to raise her daughters and volunteer in the community. She actually hates all things teeth, spit, mouth, tongue, slobber and enjoys hiding in the back and not talking to the other staff about the ins and outs of their day dealing with teeth. Sherri, Texie, Peyton, Bonnie, Michelle, and Laura are all more than "staff" to her but people whose hearts she sees daily and knows that they are what makes Buffalo Dental Clinic amazing along with the talents of Dr. Hein and the grace of God. She couldn't be more proud of the commitment to do good of the office and the integrity of the staff at Buffalo Dental Clinic.

Sherri Nikot- RDH and Front Office
Sherri started at Buffalo Dental Clinic in 1993.
Sherri is a mom to three and a grandma to more than that! She loves being a grandma and it shows in her work when she is treating young patients. Sherri is the most amazing with the littles that come to our office. Her love for children and oral hygiene is apparent in her patience and understanding and desire to make their dental experience comfortable, fun, and educational. Sherri often volunteers her time at the grade school teaching the children about dental hygiene. If there is a baby in our office she will stop what she is doing to go and take a look, and hold it if she is allowed :).

Texie Baker- RDH
Texie started at Buffalo Dental Clinic in 2000.
Texie is a busy mom to four and an amazing friend to many. Texie is always busy helping others in her community and her giving spirit can be seen in her work at our office. She is loved by her patients and she knows not only about their oral health but usually about their most recent vacation and newest addition to their family or their favorite food. She loves to learn about her patients and use her knowledge to treat them to the best of her ability. She is this way at the office and in her daily life outside of work as well. Our office, and the world are better places because Texie is a part of it.

Michelle Porterfield-RDH
Michelle started at Buffalo Dental Clinic in 2015.
Michelle loves her job so much she travels to different towns to do it. Michelle also is a hygienist in Casper , but we are her favorite (shhh, don't tell Casper). When Michelle isn't driving between jobs she likes to make pottery in her free time and she says she is busiest doing laundry for her family of five. She enjoys the pottery making more than the laundry doing. She writes that she hates kids but she loves Kristen and then she wrote "Just Kidding". Not sure what she is kidding about but you would never know because she is awesome with the kids in our office and Kristen feels loved by her so....

Peyton Smith- RDH and Dental Assistant
Peyton started at Buffalo Dental Clinic in 2019.
Peyton is just all around awesome. She has the best giggle and her personality is a perfect match for our office. Peyton loves the outdoors and she has some great hunting stories she likes to tell. Ask her about hunting on Dr. Hein's property some time, thats a story that should have a section of its own. As mentioned before, Peyton's personality is perfect and because of that she fills so many roles in our office. You can find her assisting Matt, answering phones, working in the lab or being a hygienist, or even over watering the plants, she does it all and if you are lucky you will get to be in her chair in the future.

Bonnie Porch- Dental Assistant
Bonnie started at Buffalo Dental Clinic in 2006.
Bonnie writes that her grandma is her hero and I think that she is fulfilling that same legacy to her numerous grandkids (adopted, step, foster, biological, she claims and loves them all). Bonnie loves to laugh and she loves to help make other's lives easier. She makes all of our lives at Buffalo Dental Clinic easier because she usually knows what we need before we do, that might be an xray for patients, a dental instrument during a procedure, an order that needs placed, or even a patient's name that is walking in the door. Bonnie states she loves her job and we believe that is what makes her so great at it.

Laura Anderson-Front Office
Laura started with our office in 2014, she left us for other careers and we fooled her into joining our team again! We are the lucky ones. She came back four years later, learned a brand new dental software, and never skipped a beat. Laura's favorite thing about working is making enough money to take time off to go on vacations. She loves to travel and when she isn't traveling she is figuring out a way to go on her next adventure. We are so glad we fooled her into coming back to Buffalo Dental Clinic and we know our patients are glad to see her smiling face at the front again too.